Dale H chat


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Namastizzle 2

Namastizzle Rant 2 Hey there! We Heard You! Imagine this as a cozy chat over a cup of fragrant mint tea. So, Darren Price and

Namastizzle One

Happy Last December for 2023 or namastizzle as darren says The 9 Minute Relax Get Access Now before I close it off! Click Here FREE

Stuart Cobra Nov ’23

Do you resonate? Stuart reached out to share some of his insights related to these times.Hope you enjoy and appreciate his time for sharing this.

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6 thoughts on “Dale H chat”

  1. Loved the chat as always – I agree with so much and learn and see things from different perspectives too.

    The nose rub was interesting – could you explain this a little more.

    I have been going through some intense issues the past 2 weeks and the other night I woke to a sneezing fit that lasted a couple of days of a twitch in my nose and keep sneezing, which in turn makes me touch my nose.
    Today all clear, no cold or flu has developed…

  2. Oh boy, I see so many videos that I watch that have 111 in them lately in the length or a repeated number in the number of likes for that video, so cool. Is that done on purpose or am I really just that on fire with my synchronicities! 💖💥🔥😆

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